Integrated Maturity

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Spiritual maturity + Emotional maturity

As Believers in Jesus, we have often followed the spiritual guidance of those who have not demonstrated Integrated Maturity. As a young adult, I knew something was off but I couldn’t discern the root of the problem. There was often a severe lack of maturity in many of those who were ahead of me in this life. I recognized my own struggles and I longed to be free, but I needed modeling to show me the way. I watched countless church-goers struggle with eating issues, anxiety, sexual addiction, fear, and the list goes on . . .

Why aren’t we transforming if we know all the right information? We know what the right things are, and we have more knowledge than ever before in the history of humanity. But are we more like Jesus? Integrated Maturity requires so much more than just knowing the right things.

  • Integrated Maturity has nothing to do with your physical age.

  • Integrated Maturity often requires the hard work of processing and healing from past trauma.

  • Integrated Maturity requires joy-filled connection and modeling.

  • Integrated Maturity is about wisdom, not knowledge.

Some characteristics of a Believer with Integrated Maturity:

  • Accepts criticism even from someone weaker than they are.

  • Is motivated out of love and not fear.

  • Quickly returns to joy from negative emotions.

  • Lives free of vices because they are in a deep, joy-filled relationship with Jesus.

  • Endures hardship well.

This kind of maturity is a journey for ALL of us. No one “arrives” until we are made perfect when we see Him as He is. (1 John 3:2) But we must be intentional as we run the race set before us.

So . . .

  • Do you want to grow?

  • Have there been challenges in your life where you haven’t felt emotionally capable?

  • Have you ever witnessed someone go through trials with a depth of character and maturity that you desire, but feel is lacking?

  • Do you want to reflect Christ even when you’re angry or afraid?

  • Have you recognized that spiritual and emotional maturity go hand in hand?


Ephesians 4:1-14