What you need to know about rest.


Rest is checking in with yourself (your emotions.)

Rest is taking a break from any high energy emotion whether positive or negative to reset.

Rest may require taking deep breaths and regulating your heartbeat.

Rest means being able to stop and take care of yourself.

Biblical Rest is a satisfied soul.

Rest is remembering what God has already done and taking time to celebrate what he’s allowed us to accomplish.

The ability to rest is one of the leading indicators of lifelong health!

Helpful Rest is not relationally shutting down.

Helpful Rest is not staring at a screen.

Helpful Rest is not eating a gallon of ice cream while binge-ing Netflix.

Rest releases serotonin on an “as needed” basis to recharge your relational battery.
— Coursey, C. Transforming Fellowship (2016) East Peoria: Shepherd's House

Rest (quieting together) builds trust.

A lack of rest and/or joy in a balanced cycle will leave us unbalanced and can lead to BEEPS.

The more you want to resist true rest, the more you need it!

A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.
— Proverbs 14:30 ESV